Racial Justice & Reconciliation brings equity to the heart of our neighborhoods and classrooms.

An Emphasis on Equity


Equity is related to justice and fairness. At CBEL, our focus is on making sure all families get the support they need to provide their children with a safe, stable, nurturing home, and prepare them for success at school. Research indicates that growing up in a safe home and finding success in the classroom contribute to a child’s health and dramatically improves their financial prospects.

CBEL’s Racial Justice & Reconciliation Committee is committed to keeping equity at the heart of everything we do. Comprised of CBEL members, the Committee meets once a month and sponsors community events open to the public. They also host monthly community of practice meetings. These are virtual gatherings designed to be safe spaces to share and practice difficult conversations around race, racism, and equity.


About the RJ&R Committee

Community Events



Perspectives on Racial Justice & Reconciliation in Salem-Keizer is a quarterly series designed to promote healing, equity, and resiliency in our community. A featured speaker or panel shares their perspective or cultural history, followed by Q&A and small-group discussions. The series highlights historically marginalized peoples and stories in our region. All are welcome to attend. See the CBEL calendar below for upcoming dates.

Community of Practice

The CBEL Racial Justice & Reconciliation Committee invites you to participate in their monthly community of practice gatherings. These virtual meetings are meant to be safe spaces to share and practice having difficult conversations around race, racial justice, and equity. Built upon the tenets of Outward Mindset and Nonviolent Communication, these meetings invite everyone into the conversation, navigating conflict without assigning blame.